Welcome To Tera Online Source

Your Premier Source for everything about the upcoming mmorpg Tera Online.

From the start, Bluehole hoped to realize a combat system that would set a new global standard. After careful consideration, it was decided that TERA's fight sequences should closely resemble real fight scenes. Hence, TERA will introduce omni-directional attacks, where distance and direction must be coordinated for weapons and spells to work; moreover, healers must continuously take new battle positions to cast spells. Also, depending on body weight ratio between a mob and player, an enemy hit will register a fall-back reflect. These are some of the innovative features in TERA.

Also, unlike games that claim to be a MMORPG by emphasizing action-style gameplay, TERA does not utilize zoning (section loading). All users will seamlessly move throughout the world, sharing a singular combat experience. Moreover, the foundation for the innovative combat system originates from the robust client/server technology. This breakthrough technology is one of the many revolutionary features developed by Bluehole to enhance the end-user experience.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Game News - 17th September 2009

Hey Guys,

Today it was announced that Tera is gonna have 6 races. The Aman, Castanics, Baraka, High Elves, Humans and Popori.

Also it was announced that the game will be released officially in 2010. It will be localized in different languages and released to the masses of North American and Europe.

The game will be P2P (Pay2Play)

Beta testing will be available but the date yet is yet unknown. You can subscribe to this website and we'll let you know when that happens or check this website regularly.

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